About Quantum Mechanics and Observer
I posted this on FB (November 3rd, 2014):
“New theory in Quantum Mechanics says that the parallel universes don’t just exist, but they actually interact with each other affecting an observer (us). It also says that each universe is equally real and probability only comes into a picture because an observer is unsure of which particular world he/she is in. Once observer knows exactly where he/she is – all the probable worlds will collapse into the one!
The question I have here: does the observer decides where he/she exists or it’s already predetermined based on the data collected from the observer’s past experiences?”
It’s been exactly three years since I asked myself the above questions. Since then, I did a huge amount of academic work and based on it, I came up with some of my own answers.
While I do think that it is THEORETICALLY possible for the observer to decide where he/she wants to exist if the observer can use his will (not just a will, but WILL) to change his consciousness so he can experience whatever he wants to experience.
However, PRACTICALLY, I don’t think it’s possible (as it would require an enormous amount of self-work such as concentration, meditation, therapy, and etc.)
One of the reasons is that while we are conscious beings (meaning we’re aware of our own existence) and our consciousness can really create different worlds in our mind, yet we need to understand that our consciousness also exists in our physical (biological) bodies. And the experiences that we lived through aren’t just processed and “recorded” in our mind, but also stored, in our body – our physical body.
So, while we sit and meditate, trying to create a reality within our mind, but that reality contradicts our previously created experiences, memories, or belief system so to speak, our body most likely will “protest”.
For example, someone is trying to visualize a reality where he or she has a perfect relationship with a significant other.
Now, the past experiences with having a relationship were not pleasant. One of them ended up tragically, another one ended up with betrayal, and so on. Eventually, the person who went through all of these troubles will create a “red flag” in his mind. So, next time, he or she meets someone, the “red flag” will get fired in his brain saying something like “NOPE! You’ll get hurt again”. And whatever part(s) in the physical body is associated with this problem, will also start to hurt (sometimes badly).
Now, here are the steps that might help:
1. find these tragic experiences within the mind
2. and not just find and re-live them through the therapy but also find where these experiences are “recorded” within the body (it could be something as simple as a knot in the upper back, but could be something as dangerous as a tumor).
3. simply speaking we need to find the connections between mind and body which were created by this tragic experience(s).
4. Next step would be to recognize how these tragic experiences shape our everyday lives, we need to analyze the repeating patterns in behavior and then find how these patters connected with number 1 and 2.
5. Once we have them all “mapped” together, the true healing can begin, new behavior patterns can be formed, new experiences can be created, and etc.
As easy as it sounds, these processes aren’t simple. They’re actually difficult, painful and sometimes even impossible.
So, to go back to my original question: “does the observer decides where he/she exists or it’s already predetermined based on the data collected from the past experiences?”
My answer is: if the observer’s mind is completely clear and have no past experiences whatsoever, then most likely yes, he can decide where he/she would like to exist.
But in the reality, does anybody know such person whose mind is so completely clear of any previous experiences and attachments?
The truth is, from the moment we’re conceived, we begin to experience life…
But now, another question is raised:
If the person’s mind is completely cleared, or empty of the previous life experiences, would he be able to create something out of nothing? Or simply put, if he has no information recorded in his mind, if he has absolutely no knowledge of the world, how would he KNOW what he wants to create?
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